Jorge Oceja

Floranes 27, 4º Dcha Santander (Cantabria, SPAIN)



Instructional Designer / Elearning / Community Management / Educational Management


  • Experience implementing elearning and 2.0 projects in public and private settings

  • Proven ability to work in different contexts and countries

  • 5 years experience teaching / training / managing educational teams

  • Academic/Corportate focus

  • Goal oriented with excellent language skills (Spanish, Portuguese, English)


  • San José State University (California). M.A in Instructional Design and Technology (Fulbright Scholarship). 2007-2009

  • UNED, Madrid (Spain)  Diploma of Advanced Studies “Possibilities and Limits of Propietary Virtual Worlds. 2008

  • Universidade do Porto (Portugal) B.A Educational Psychology. 2002-2004

  • Universidad de Cantabria (Spain) Multiple Subject Teaching Credential. Specialization in ESL. 1996-1999

Relevant experience

Fundación Botín (Current position: Director of the Educational Program)

  • Community Management

  • Design and implementation of programs on social and emotional development

  • Research

Red Iberomaericana de TIC y Educación 2009-2010

  • Pedagogical and technical counselling

  • Webmaster

  • Community Management

Synaptics. Inc 2009

  • Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation of training

  • Elearning specialist

  • Non-linear video editing

Department of Education of Spain 2005-2006

  • Elearning specialist

  • Development of educational resources

  • Usability and Accessibility Analysis

Fort Worth ISD (Texas), Adelanto ISD (California), William Ellis School (UK), Cons. Educación (Spain) 2000-2007

  • Extensive use of Educational Technology and Web 2.0 in the learning process

Technical Skills

  • LMSs and CMSs

  • Graphic Design, Web Design and non linear video editing

  • Elearning & Training Software: Articulate, Camtasia, Captivate, etc.

  • Web 2.0 (Videocasting, Podcasting and 2.0 text tools) and gamification

Publications and Conferences (selection)

  • Oceja, J. (2012). Afronta la crisis con innovación en las instituciones deportivas. Workshop presented at Menendez Pelayo International University: October 18th, Huesca, Spain

  • Oceja, J. (2012). Online Teachers Training Going Mobile: A Strategic Approach. Workshop presented at MlearnCon: June 19th-21st, San José (CA), USA

  • Oceja, J. (2011, September 1st). Twitter, microcontenido y sentimiento de comunidad en la Red Iberoamericana de Tic y educación. El bazar de los locos, Retrieved from

  • Oceja, J. (2010). Creación, reutilización y difusión de contenidos. Woprkshop presented at IX Jornadas de Buenas Prácticas: June 23-25th , Zaragoza, Spain

  • Oceja, J. (2010). Videocast to dynamize communities. Workshop presented at MlearnCon: June 15-17th, San Diego (CA), USA

  • Oceja, J. (2009). Jornadas para el desarrollo de proyectos 2.0. Workshop presented at the Department of Education Training Program for Spanish Teachers: April 18th, USC Los Angeles (CA), USA

  • Oceja, J. (2009).Google Docs for Educators. Workshop presented at Computer-Using Educators Conferences: March 5th-7th, Palm Springs (CA), USA

  • Oceja, J. (2009). Cómo hacer que tus alumnos bilingües trabajen de forma colaborativa usando Google Docs. Workshop presented at California Association for Bilingual Education Conferences: February 25th-28th, Long Beach (CA), USA

  • Oceja, J. (2008). Go Blogging: Designing an Instructional Unit that Helps Techers to integrate Blogs in the Classroom. Paper presented at the International Conference of Education Research and Innovation: November 17th,18th, 19th, Madrid, Spain

  • Oceja, J. (2008). Second Life and Education: Possibilities and Limits of Proprietary Virtual Worlds. Paper presented at the International Conference of Education Research and Innovation: November 17th,18th, 19th, Madrid, Spain

  • Oceja, J. (2008). How to Create and Maintain an Eucational Blog for the Language Arts Classroom. Oral presentation at Innovative Learning Conference: October 14th,15th, 16th, San José Convention Center, San José (CA), USA

  • Limón, M. & Oceja, J. (2006). Influence of Planning and Familiarity on Individuals’ Metacognitive Knowledge and learning. Paper presented at the Second Biennial Conference: July 19th-21st. Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge, UK

  • Fernandez, A; Florez, J.C; Milicua, V; Lerena, E; Oceja, J; Lorenzo, A. (2005) Procesador de textos. Madrid: CNICE, Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia. ISBN: 84-369-3955-7

  • Luna, R; Oceja, J; Moreno, C; Fonseca, E. (2005). Edición en HTML. Madrid: CNICE, Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia. ISBN: 84-369-3973-5.

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