
¡Hola a todos!

Aunque intentamos no retrasarnos mucho con el blog, es difícil sacar tiempo para la edición, más el tema de la conectividad y demás. Hoy subimos desde Batumi en Georgia las imágenes del trayecto desde Praga a Estambul.

Podéis ver un poco de Praga, Bratislava, Budapest, Szeged, Serbia (las imágenes nocturnas son de Belgrado que mola mucho), Plovdiv, Edirne y pueblitos a los que nos hemos desviado para hacer pequeñas visitas.

Hoy después de unos días por Turquía estamos en Batumi (Georgia) e intentaremos ver un poco Tbilisi y seguir hasta Azerbaijan.

Todo sigue fenomenal.

¡Os queremos mucho!


¡Hola a todos! Os escribimos recién llegados a Budapest, después de haber pasado la tarde por Bratislava en Eslovaquia. Esta mañana, después de bastantes gestiones, llegaron los pasaportes así que estamos listos.

Como veis, iremos usando Facebook para las actualizaciones más frecuentes ( y cuando juntemos material subiremos pequeños vídeos al blog. Aquí va el de la primera parte de la aventura hasta llegar a Klenová (un pueblo bastante recóndito) donde nos hemos juntado con el resto de compañeros del rally.

La verdad es que todo va muy bien… Vosotros seguid animando que se nota mucho.

Besos y abrazos

La fiesta

El pasado sábado 12 de julio organizamos la fiesta para recaudar fondos para Proyecto Awajún y Banco de Alimentos de Cantabria, los dos proyectos benéficos que apoyamos con nuestra participación en el Mongol Rally y a los cuáles nos gustaría que ayudarais en los próximos días.

Cada año por San Lorenzo montamos la Caravan of Love, una fiesta donde nos juntamos  para tocar, cantar, pintar y pasar un buen rato entre amigos. Este año teníamos un buen motivo para adelantarla un mes. La Caravan of Love 2014 contó con la actuación de los Dead Flequillos y  la intervención de Alfredo Santos que nos tuneó con su arte el coche con el que intentaremos llegar a Mongolia. Desde queremos darles las gracias de corazón.

Vinieron amigos de Mallorca y Madrid que junto con los de aquí nos ayudaron a montar una buena hasta que llegó la guardia civil… No obstante, como veis, la sesión acústica duró hasta altas horas de la madrugada. Mil gracias a todos y vamos a por ello, que el domingo salimos


El Seat Ibiza

El otro día, a raiz de una entrevista que nos hicieron para El Diario Montañes nos pidieron que subiéramos  un vídeo sobre el coche con el que pretendemos llegar a Ulán Bator. Aunque muchos ya conocéis el mítico Ibiza, ahí va un poco de info sobre el coche que llevará a La linternita team hasta Mongolia.

Las vacunas

Queda poco más de un mes, ha empezado la cuenta atrás  y con ello los días de vacunación.
La semana pasada hemos ido a Sanidad Exterior y, ruta en mano, la doctora nos ha dado una serie de recomendaciones a seguir durante el viaje  indicándonos además las vacunas que necesitamos: hepatitis A y B, fiebre tifoidea, tétanos y triple vírica.
Como algunas ya las tenemos de cuando éramos pequeños, ahora sólo nos pondremos la hepatitis A y la fiebre tifoidea.
La primera nos la pusieron allí y la segunda se toma de forma oral y en tres dosis.
Fuimos a la farmacia, la compramos y hoy nos hemos tomado la última pastilla, como podéis ver en el vídeo.


visadosPor mucho que leamos, estudiemos y nos cuenten los equipos de ediciones anteriores, no sabemos muy bien dónde nos metemos. Queremos decir de carrerilla todos los paises por dónde pasaremos, pero no nos acordamos ni de la mitad. A pesar de todo, creemos que puede ser uno de los viajes más importante de nuestras vidas.

Hacer el Mongol Rally supone recorrer más de 15.000 km en coche, sólo con tus propios recursos, destreza e ingenio pasando por más de 15 paises con el fin de recaudar fondos que se invertirán en proyectos sociales. En esta carrera solidaria lo más importane no es llegar el primero, sino llegar y conseguir el dinero para reinvertir en las ONG que has elegido.

Cruzaremos países de pasado soviétivo como por Georgia o Azerbaijan y recorreremos una gran parte de la mística ruta de la seda. Intentaremos integrarnos en la cultura de paises como Kazakistan, Uzbekistan, Kirguizistan hasta llegar a Ulán Bator, donde se encuentra la meta.

Nos ponemos ya “manos a la obra”. Para empezar, os presentamos este blog donde os iremos contando cómo van los preparativos y durante el viaje, siempre que tengamos un ordenador y conexión a internet, os iremos informando de esta aventura solidaria a través sobre todo de vídeos que grabaremos y editaremos con todo el mimo que nos permitan las circunstancias.

Ahora, entre otras cosas, estamos con los visados. En la foto podéis ver el montón de papeleo (y dinero)  que supone ;)

Wrapping up the year through some pics :)

If you follow me, you know this blog is a good thermometer of how I’m feeling and how are things going. Even though since June I have been looking forward writing about the absolute revelation that has been going back to gardening (more on this on a separate post), I’ll be dedicating this entry to some 2012 moments –that I didn’t cover in the blog- by grabbing my Flickr/instagram stream.

There’s nothing better than reflecting on how a year passed by checking out some pictures and realizing that besides difficulties, positive energy, love and enthusiasm is always out there.


Just a brief one here to share that we met all the objectives for the year. Yeah! In june we ended up the first year of the Responsible Education Network of Schools scaling -and improving- the program from 3 to 16 schools with a teacher’s satisfaction of almost 3/4. Right now we havescaled it up to 50, including 17 schools in Madrid.


I keep going more and more to Mallorca. I just love it. Particularly Palma, this tiny version of Barcelona with all the scene, bars, trends and stuff but without all the Barcelona silliness (sorry to all my friends down there). Plus amazing weather and nature.

Here some images of Cap Formentor and L’antiquari and Sa Sifoneria. Could have bring so many more, but hope you get the vibe. Even surfing if you are lucky enough to grab some good conditions.


Yep, this was in April as Emre (former San Francisco’s big house mate) and Gerone were getting married in their hometown, Istambul. How could you say no to that?! Amazing time there staying at Sultanahmet partying at Beyoglu, crossing to Kadikoy and having such an experience.


That was so unexpected… I was reached by the UIMP people at Huesca for presenting on a course on innovation in sports intuitions. I was a little shocked, but as they were expecting me to talk about tools and project management, I took the bite and actually loved it.

Canfranc Station is amazing. If you haven’t been there you have to. Big rains there through these days made it even more epic.

Caravan 12

Wow, that was a good one… Don’t know if the best Caravan ever but definitely a great one. Having there Virginia, my former mate at ITE, really made a difference. Actually the Madrid guys killed it if you know what I’m talking about.

Great music as always, with guys like Adrián & friends, Pablo, Pat and great surprises such as Laura Portko.

Galicia with mom

That was the last big trip done. I try to do one of those at least once a year with mom… And this one was a real treat. We went all the way to Cariño, in the Ortigueira area. There we stayed in A Miranda, a lovely B&B before hitting Bares, and having some amazing food in places like Rinlo (historic Arroz con Bogavante) and el Molín de Mingu in Peruyes.

I really wish you all happiness and strength for the year to come.

Be positive, be happy, do good, love and keep it real.

As I said, next one will be on the garden (the revelation).


USA in my mind

I just came from an amazing trip to my beloved California.
No words for what it means to me to catch up with the old friends there, checking both North and South and having a blast. I’m always very positive on my future but I know I left behind some of my best years back there.
So there we go with some highlights…

Orozco’s family is always my campground in LA. And the thing is that Eagle Rock, actually rocks… We had the chance of checking Pasadena’s music festival (as the girls worked down there) and celebrate with dad fathers day (including a visit by Jude and Charice coming from Ventura). Love u!

Papa Orozco took me to grab the Greyhound to San José… It was actually a great trip that more than one american should do in order to get over some stereotypes. Can you believe I had free wifi all the way and that wifi at The Fairmont was 20$?!

Presenting at Mlearncon this year, as I did in 2010, was great… Always good to stay in touch with the elearning scene, tools and trends. I think they liked my view on opensource tools and our strategic approach to scale Responsible Education.

I keep San José in my heart… They say there’s no vibe in the university, no scene in the streets but if you dig a little you’ll understand that some stuff has to come up from all that (real) diversity. There is a reason for things happening there such as The MumlersSouth First Fridays, etc. There is proud in San José.

Special mention to my former boss, Super Cyndi, who saved my ass -big time- keeping me in her place at Campbell on my last night in SJo. Here having some donnuts.

OK… of course then I hit the city. San Francisco always gives me great welcomes, this time through Emre and Gerone (Just Married!). Here in the artwork by Chus.

It was great seeing the people from the big house (shame we missed Lana), and just grab some food at Old Jerusalem at Mission with Byron and the old Camry is priceless.

Just before leaving back I had the best luck and I catched up with Will from The Mumlers, who was  recording a show for that night.

Besides the video, if you can, even if its crancky and has some ads, check the original ustream and the entrance I did at 3:40… Too funny.

It was a perfect clousure for such a perfect trip.

Definitevely, CA in my mind…


Life is Good (Eilts dixit)

I am writing from IES La Granja, an adorable highschool in Heras, on the other side of the bay. As part of the Responsible Education program, all the schools working with us, besides the online training they receive in the different resources that we have (music, arts, counseling, and literature), they go through a series of three face to face workshops (one each year) focusing on emotional (first), cognitive (second) and social (third) development. So, I’m in one of those with Carmen, one the psychologist that works with us.

Regarding work, -or actually the cool /funny things I do in my job- just a couple more lines… On the one hand, the Facebook hit that was my participation on the international event we organized in Madrid on Creativity and Social and Emotional Education. Raucousness power.

And now…

This post comes after half a year of no posting, so I am not sure if I have a blog anymore. It has also been a year since I started working here in Santander.

It has been a tough one. Not a bad one, but a tough one. When I reread my posts I see I have been doing an effort –I guess I’ve always done that and I guess that’s good- telling myself that everything is OK.

Probably everything is not OK. There’s an amazing song by Los Piratas, a Spanish band, called El equilibrio es imposible (balance is impossible) about the tension generated when something, whatever it is and wherever it is (life, work…), is not in the right/exact place.

Still, and I was talking to my mom about that the other day, I am pretty good dealing with that stuff. I think I have a clear understanding of life as seasons that come and go. That there’s a need of autumn for spring to rise and that winter shall come so we can surf and have fun in the summer.

This means that I am not sad, and that even though in a lot of ways I miss things -in different spheres- and specially places, as my professor Sharon Eilts says, “Life is good”. I think it also good that when facing problems and challenges  thoroughout these months I have keep strong and confident.

OK… and now the fun stuff: Trips and things. Among others: Côte d’Azur and Mallorca with Malén; Mootes 11 and La Rioja to visit Pat, but specially an amazing trip to Italy, Austria, Liechtenstein and Swiss.

And yes… of course: Caravan of Love ’11

From NY trip to my holiday break

Again, long time with no posting. Actually I could say that this long-term love story with technology it’s not in its best days –neither the worsts ;). It has happened before, but it was more a shame on all these people in the twitter and facebook hype, the 2.0 thing, the bla, bla, bla and the blindness of emphasizing the use of technology instead of attitudes for change. Now its kind of another feeling…  tired of spending so much time in front of screens instead of looking to people in their eyes, telling them how we feel and talking about how to make cool things –and actually doing them-.

As said, just after my last post I had the chance of going to New York with the Global Classroom people. 13 students from public schools in Cantabria (just a few from semi-public) represented Australia, both at the Grand Hyatt and the UN headquarters itself following the United Nations Model.

To put it down, it was the most amazing educational experience I have seen. So moved –actually got goose bumps- of seeing our guys (some of the from remote villages in Cantabria) defending their countries position, making friends and/or flirting with such a healthy crew from all over the world on the cruise around Manhattan… It would have helped you realizing what we got and what we can do.

On the other hand, Thursday will be the last day before my summer brake. Yeah… I think it’s a deserved one after this first period working in Santander. Definitively, it will do good.

A lot of things happened in between with 15M, being the most “special” one. With all the good (the awakening) and some of the bad (forms and –sorry to say- a lot of people that I don’t like).

Also a wonderful trip to Portugal (Porto and Lisbon) and Mallorca with 10 live concerts in 4 days (true), a great summer course on Creativity organized at the Foundation, a cosmic party, some basket… and a moving. Yes, I’m living in a beautiful place straight in Santander downtown and I want u to visit.

The thing is that, as always, engines are on and more than ever I am confident on the future to come. At all levels.
